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This plugin allows you to use Structurizr diagrams in your Docusaurus documentation.



This plugin requires structurizr-cli or docker to be installed on your machine!

See Structurizr installation docs.

Add the plugin to your Docusaurus project. If you want to use mermaid diagrams in your markdown files, you also need to install the official mermaid theme.

npm install -D docusaurus-plugin-structurizr @docusaurus/theme-mermaid

Add the plugin to your docusaurus.config.js:

export default {
plugins: [
// All options are optional
// Default values are shown below
enabled: true,
paths: ['docs'],
format: 'mermaid', // "mermaid" | "plantuml" | <structurizr-cli format:>
executor: 'auto', // "docker" | "cli" | "auto",
dockerImage: 'structurizr/cli', // see
additionalStructurizrArgs: undefined, // string
outputDir: undefined, // Generate all diagrams in a single directory. E.g. "diagrams".
ignorePatterns: ['/**/include.*.dsl'], // automatically exclude import files (eg: !import ../common/import.actors.dsl)

// to use mermaid diagrams in your markdown files, install the official mermaid theme
// see
themes: ['@docusaurus/theme-mermaid'],
markdown: {
mermaid: true,


The plugin will look for files with .dsl extension and will generate a diagram for each file. The diagram will be placed in the same directory.

Import the diagram in your markdown file using the raw-loader, see importing code snippets in Docusaurus for more information.

import awsMermaid from '!!raw-loader!./structurizr-AmazonWebServicesDeployment.mmd'
import Mermaid from '@theme/Mermaid'

<Mermaid value={awsMermaid} />

CI environments

If you want to use this plugin in your CI pipeline, you need to install structurizr-cli or docker on your CI machine.

If that is not possible, you can opt out of using the plugin in CI by setting the enabled option to false. Make sure to commit your generated diagrams to your repository.

export default {
plugins: [
enabled: !process.env.CI,